that the same should be placed uuder the care and regula-
tion of the nine commissioners, vested with sufficient
powers to forward and effect the purposes intended —
CHAP. 138
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Edward B. Hardcastle, William T. Purnelf,
Nehemiah Fountain, James Dukes, Joseph P. W. Richard-
son, John Evitfs, Thomas H. Baynard, George T. Milling-
ton and William Emmerson, be, and they are hereby ap-
pointed the commissioners, and they and their successors,
or a majority of them, shall forever hereafter hold, possess
and enjoy all the public ground on which said market house
and lodge house now stands, and all the public ground be-
tween the said market house and lodge house and market
street, and also, all the public ground between said market
house and lodge house and second street, and twenty feet
of public ground immediately contiguous to the west side
Property vested.
and north end of said market house and lodge house: Pro-
vided, That nothing in this act shall be construed so as to
authorise the said commissioners, or their successors, or
the officers of the Washington Lodge, to erect thereon any
other than public buildings for the use, convenience and bene-
fit of the said village.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the members of
Washington Lodge, No. fifty-nine, and their successors,
shall forever hereafter hold, possess and enjoy the said
room or rooms, erected by them over the said market
house, in as full and ample a manner as if they had an actual
deed for the premises on which it is erected, without any
let, hindrance or molestation of any person whatsoever, and
Lodge room vett-
in case at any time the said lodge should go down, the com-
missioners of the village of Denton, shall have it in their
power to rent the room or rooms now occupied as a lodge
room or rooms, and apply the proceeds to the payment and
costs of the subscribers for the erection of the rooms now
occupied as a lodge, after keeping up all necessary repairs,
any thing in any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Case of lodge dis-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That the commissioners afore-
said, or a majority of them, shall assemble on the second
Monday of April next, at the court house in Denton, or at
such other public place within the limits of the said village,
as a majority of them shall fix upon, and arrange and number
themselves into three classes by lot, and the office of the
Classification of
commissioners of the first class, shall determine at the ex-
piration of one year from the aaid second Monday of April
next, the office of the commissioners of the second class,
at the expiration of two years, and the office of the com-
Expiration of their