CHAP. 131.
Passed Feb. 23, 1832.
An act to alter and improve that part of a Road in Frederick
county, which lies between Jefferson and Catoctin creek.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Ferry Hilleary, Thomas Lamar and Jacob
Thomas, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners
to examine and alter that part of the public road leading
from Jefferson to Burkittsville, which lies between Jeffer-
son and Catoctin creek, in Frederick county.
Their duties.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That after the said commis-
sioners shall be duly sworn, they shall on a day to be ap-
pointed by themselves, proceed to examine the said road,
and if upon a careful examination of that part as betore de-
signated, they shall be of opinion that the said road may be
changed to the mutual advantage and convenience of the
public- and the proprietor or proprietors through whose
land the said road may pass, and the proprietor or proprie-
tors consenting, then the said commissioners shall make such
judicious alteration in the location of said road, as they
may deem necessary and proper.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That that said commissioners
shall report the alterations which they may make in said
road, to the clerk of Frederick county court, who shall
record the same.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That if the said commissioners
shall make a charge for their services, it shall not exceed
two dollars per day, to be paid as all county charges are
Passed Feb 27, 1832
An act, entitled, An act to authorise and direct the Commis-
sioners of Cecil county, to levy a sum of money to pay for
the building a Bridge over the Big Elk River, in the Town
of Elkton, and to raise the Road at the South end of said
Bridge, above tide water.
Leby to reimburse
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the commissioners of Cecil county be, and they
arc hereby authorised and directed to levy on the assessable
property of Cecil county, one thousand dollars, to remuner-
ate such persons as contributed, out of their private funds,
for the building a bridge over the Big Elk River, in the