Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Margaret Saylor before
she proceeds to sell the property aforesaid, must give bond
with security to the state of Maryland, to be approved by
the judges of the county court of the aforesaid county, for
her fair disposition of said property, and a just application
of the proceeds thereof to the purposes aforesaid, and shall
CHAP. 129.
every six months account with said court by report, and
exhibits of an account upon oath to be, settled in said court
as a chancery proceeding,of the application of said proceeds,
Account under
and further, that she be authorised to convey by deed or
deeds to any and every purchaser or purchasers of the afore-
said property, as a part of said estate of which he, she, or
they, may become the purchaser.
Authority to con-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said minors before
named; heirs at law and in equity of Jacob Saylor deceased,
are hereby debared from ever claiming anj interest whatso-
ever, in and to such part of said estate as may be sold by
their trustee as aforesaid in pursuance of this law.
Heirs debarred
from claim.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That before said Margaret Say-
for proceeds to sell the aforesaid property she must give
thirty days notice in some news paper printed in the town
of Cumberland.
Notice of sale.
An act authorising the Levy Court of Worcester county, to
levy on the asssessablc property of said county, a sum of
money for the purposes therein mentioned.
Passed Feb. 23, 1832
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of Worcester county, bo and the} are hereby
authorised and empowered, at the discretion of said court,
to levy on the assessable property of said county, a sum or
sums of money sufficient to defray the expenses for cover-
ing, the roof of the court house of said county, or otherwise
of guarding and protecting the said court house with slate,
tin, copper, lead, or some other incombustible substance,
so as effectually to protect the said court house, and the
Levy authorised.
records of said county from all accidents by fire; Provided,
That the said levy court shall not levy on the assessable
property aforesaid, for the purposes aforesaid, more than
five cents in the hundred dollars, for any one year.