CHAP. 128.
mid road in a line direct until it strikes the Pocomoke river,
to the eastward of the mansion of Littleton Upshur Dennis,
Esquire, and thence by and with the said river to the place
of beginning at Stevens' Ferry, be and the same is hereby
added to the Dublin election district; and the voters residing
within the said Fines, shall hereafter vote in all elections, at
the place of voting in the Dublin district, and not elsewhere.
Passed Feb. 2l, 1832
An act for the relief of Margaret Saylor, of Allegany
WHEREAS, Margaret Saylor by her petition, sets forth
that her late husband, Jacob Saylor, of Allegany county
deceased, died intestate in April, eighteen hundred and
twenty eight, seized and possessed of certain real estate in
the aforesaid county, leaving three children, namely: Daniel,
Mary Louisa, and Jacob F. Saylor, live eldest of which is
only about nine or ten years of age, and for whom she has
been appointed guardian, and as such, having the controul
of the property, and the care and protection of the children,
and from the strictest economy and proper attention has ex-
perienced that the delapidatrd state of the property, its un-
productiveness, and the necessity of improvement of part of
the said estate, with a view to the bettering of the condition
of her children as to sustenance, education, and future bene-
fit, respectfully sets forth that the interest of the minors
would be greatly enhanced by the sale of a part of said real
estate, the proceeds to be applied to the improvements of
the residue; thereby making it more productive in rents and
so forth, for the present and for the benefit of said children
in future, she therefore, by her petition, prays a special law
for that purpose — Therefore,
Authority to sell
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland , That the said Margaret Saylor be, and she is here-
by authorised and empowered to sell lotts number thirty-
four, thirty-fire, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, fifty-two and fifty-
three in Beall's first addition to Cumberland, and lot num-
ber forty, on Frederick-street, in Cumberland, also a small
tract of land, called retreat, on the Bedford road, about one
mile from Cumberland, and to and for no use or purpose
whatsoever, saving the application of the proceeds of said
sales to the improvement of the residue of the real estate of
the said heirs as aforesaid, and upon no other condition
whatsoever and under the restrictions hereinafter provided.