treasurer of the western shore shall pay to the said com-
missioners, the necessary charges as before designated.
CHAP. 127.
An act to provide for the appointment of a Wood Corder,
in the town of Princess Anne, in Somerset county.
Passed Feb 20, l833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the governor and council be, and they are
hereby required, to appoint a suitable person as a corder
of fire wood, in Princess Anne town, Somerset county,
whose duty it shall be, when called upon by any seller or
purchaser of any fire wood, to inspect and measure the
same forthwith, as he in his judgment may think to be
proper and just.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the
said corder of fire wood, to charge and receive six centS
and one fourth of a cent for each and every cord of fire
wood, which he may be called on to inspect and measure,
to be paid by the purchaser, and on neglect or refusal ol
the purchaser to pay the same, the said corder of firewood
is hereby authorised to collect the same as other small debtS
are collected.
Compensation For
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That before the said corder
shall proceed to inspect and measure any firewood, he shall
take the following oath — I, A. B. do swear on the holy evan-
gely of Almighty God, that I will inspect and measure fire
wood, without favor or partiality, to the best of my know-
ledge, skill and judgment, so help me God.
An act to enlarge the Dublin Election District, in Somerset
Passed Feb. 20, 1832
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
so much of the lower election district of Somerset county, as
is contained within the following lines, that is to say, begin-
ning at Stevens' Ferry, and running thence by and with the
county road leading to Curtis chapel, and thence by and
with the county road, by James Smith's, until it strikes the
county road, leading to Rehobeth, and thence crossing the
District enlarged.