CHAP. 123.
and cause the same to be placed therein for the use of said
county, the same to be under the care of the present sur-
veyor of said county and his successors, whose duty it shall
be to give extracts of such papers and plats to any person
or persons applying for the same, and the surveyor furnishing
the same, shall be entitled to demand and receive from the
person or persons so applying, the same compensation
which is allowed to county clerks for like services.
Levy or expenses
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the levy court of said
county are hereby authorised and required to levy and as-
sess on the assessable property of said county a sum suffi-
cient to cover all expenses incurred under this act, to be col-
lected and paid as other county charges are.
Passed Feb. 20, 1832
An act to lay out and open a New Road, in Frederick and
Baltimore Counties.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Daniel Engle, John Duderan, and Peter Gos-
nel, be, and the same are hereby appointed commissioners,
to survey, lay out, and open a road, not exceeding thirty
feet in width, commencing at some point on the road from
Uniontown, to Washington city, between Dr. Thomas B.
Owing's Mill, and the village of Ridgeville, in Frederick
county, on the best and most practicable route, to the Balti-
more and Ohio Rail Road, at or near the foot of the first
inclined plane, on the east side of Parr Ridge, in Baltimore
county, and the said commissioners shall make out a plat of
that part of the road through Frederick county, and return
the same to the clerk of the county court, to be recorded
among the records of said county; they shall likewise make
out a plat of that part of the road through Baltimore coun-
ty, to be recorded among the records of said county, and
the said road when so opened, shall be thereafter deemed
to be a public road forever, and shall be kept in repair in
the same manner, as other public roads are directed to be
kept up, in said counties.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the expenses of survey-
ing and opening the said road, shall be paid by Baltimore
and Frederick counties, in proportion to the distance it may
pass through each county, and the levy court of Frederick
county, and commissioners of Baltimore county, are here-
by authorised and required, on receiving from the commis-