sioners an account on oath of the said expenses, including
an allowance of two dollars per day, to the commissioners
for their services, to levy the same in proportion before
stated, on the assessable property of said counties, to be
collected as other county charges are now collected.
CHAP. 124,
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners or a
majority of them, shall value and ascertain the damages
ttiat may be sustained by any person or persons, through
whose land the said road may be made to pass, taking into
consideration the advantages and disadvantages if any, and
the damages so ascertained shall be levied, and assessed as
other county charges in said counties are, and shall be paid
by the county, wherein such damages may be sustained.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners,
before they proceed to act, shall take an oath or affirmation
before some justice of the peace, that they will, without
favor, partiality or prejudice, assess the damages sustained
by the persons through whose land, the said road may pass.
A further supplement to the act, entitled An act, to Incorpo-
rate Frederick Town, in Frederick County.
Passed Feb 20, 183
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council
of Frederick; be, and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered to levy and collect a sufficient tax upon the pro-
perty holders of any street, part of a street, or streets in
Frederick, for the purpose of extending the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road, from the depot to any such street in Fre-
Authority granted
derick, and through said street or any part thereof; Provi-
ded, five sixths of the property holders on said street, or
part of a street or streets, shall assent to such extension of
said Railroad.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That any tax which maybe
imposed by virtue of this act, for the extension of the said
Rail-road, through any street, part of a street, or streets in
Frederick, shall be apportioned among the property hol-
ders on said street, according to the number of feet front-
ing the line of the Rail-road thus extended and on no other
part of the property holders on said btrcet.
method of appor-