the said George Baltzell, and he is hereby authorised and em-
powered to collect,by distress, in his own name, the monies so
paid and settled for, from the several persons liable for the
same, on giving the usual notice in cases of distress for rent;
and the said monies so paid by the said George Baltzell,
CHAP. 122
from the time the said taxes became due, shall be a lien on
the real estate of the persons liable for the same; and also,
on their personal estate, so long as the said personal estate
shall remain in the possession of the persons liable for the
said taxes, and the claims of the said George Baltzell, aris-
ing as aforesaid, shall have priority of all other claims and
incumbrances whatever, with legal interest from the time of
settlement as aforesaid.
Lien on property.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all sums paid and settled
for as aforesaid, shall have priority of any claim against the
estates, real or personal, of deceased persons after the pay-
ment of funeral expenses, whether the same be in the hands
Priority of claim
on estates.
of trustees, executors or administrators: Provided, That
this act shall not extend to any taxes due and payable sub-
sequent to the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to provide for the
purchase of the office papers belonging to the Surveyor's
Office of Frederick county, and to repeal an act therein
Passed Feb. l6, l832
WHEREAS, by an act passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and thirty, chapter one hundred and seventy-
six, the levy court of Frederick county were authorised to
appoint three commissioners to inspect, value and purchase
the certificates of surveys, resurveys, plots, and other papers
belonging to the surveyor's office of said county, then in
the possession of David Bowlus, if, in their discretion, they
should think the same right and proper: And whereas, the
levy court of said county were directed by said act, to de-
liver the same, when purchased, to the surveyor of the
county, to be placed in his office, and be kept as public
papers by him and his successors in office— Therefore,
Sectional. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland; That the levy court of Frederick county, are here-
by authorised and directed to provide a suitable room in
the city of Frederick, for the safe keeping of said papers,
Place for and
charge of papers,