ton, was at the time of executing and acknowledging said
deed, a judge of the court of said county, that the clerk of
of Harford county, may and is hereby required to re-
ceive the same for record, and when so recorded, the same
shall be valid in law and equity, as if it formed a part of the
original deed and of the original record.
CHAP. 117.
A further additional supplement to an act, entitled, An ad
for Quietting Possessions, Enrolling Conveyances, and
securing the estates of Purchasers.
Passed Feb 17, 1832
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all deeds or instruments of writing which have been taken,
executed and acknowledged within this state, since the first
day of September last, which may not have been signed
and sealed by any feme covert, as required by the act of
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty, chapter
one hundred and sixty-four, be and the same are hereby
confirmed, and made valid to all intents and purposes; Pro-
vided, that in all other respects, the act, entitled, An act for
quietting possessions, and enrolling conveyances and secur-
ing the estates of purchasers, and the several supplements
thereto, have been complied with.
An act to provide for the building a Bridge over the Great
Falls of Gunpowder, at or near to Jessop's mill, in Balti-
more county.
Passed Feb. 17, 1832
WHEREAS, it is represented to this general assembly, by
the petition of sundry citizens of Baltimore county, that the
public convenience requires the erection of a bridge over
the Great Falls of Gunpowder, on the public road leading
by Jessop's mill to the city of Baltimore — Therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the commissioners of Baltimore county shall, on
or before the first day of August next, appoint three free-
holders of the said county as commissioners, whose duties
it shall be to examine and fix on the most suitable site for
the erection of the bridge as aforesaid, and to ascertain by