CHAP. 113.
advertising, for proposals to perform the work, and for es-
timates of the cost of labour and materials, and by such other
means as they may deem advisable, the lowest amount that
will be necessary , agreeably to their discretion, to build said
bridge; and the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall certify to the commissioners of Baltimore county afore-
said, their decision, and the amount of expense ascertained
by them as aforesaid, and the commissioners of Baltimore
county shall proceed, at their discretion to levy the same on
the assessably property of the county, either at two or more
levies, as they shall think best suitable to the circumstances
of the county; Provided, that the whole of said levy or levies .
shall not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars.
Contractors bond.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners to be
appointed as aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall, as soon
as the same may be practicable, and at the direction and dis-
cretion of the commissioners of Baltimore county, contract
for building the bridge as hereinbefore mentioned, the ex-
pense thereof to be paid out of the money to be levied as
aforesaid, when the same shall be received, and the person
or persons who shall contract to build said bridge shall give
bond to the State of Maryland, in such penalty and with
such sureties as the majority of the said commissioners shall
approve, conditioned for the true and faithful performance
of such contract.
Compensation to
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That each of the said commis-
sioners shall be entitled to receive such compensation for
their services as shall be deemed reasonable by the commis-
sioners of Baltimore county, not exceeding two dollars per
day for every day they shall be necessarily employed in the
duties hereby required, to be certified by them, under oath,
which shall be levied, collected, and paid over as other
county charges are.
Pased Feb. 17, 1832
An act for the revaluation of Real and Personal property in
Talbot county.
Meeting to reassess
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Asembly of Mary-
land, That the commissioners for Talbot county, should
they deem it necessary, be, and they are hereby authorised
and empowered to meet at Easton, the county town of said
county, as soon as may be practicable, after the passage of
this act, and there proceed to re-value and re-assess the