CHAP. 115.
sion, shall have full power and authority, and they are here-
by authorised to provide by ordinance for the exemption
of that part of Holland street, laying between the north
west side of Pitt street, and the south east side of Union
alley, or such part of Holland street, laying as aforesaid,
but not extending the whole distance from Union alley to
Pitt street, as they may think proper, from the operation
of the sixteenth section, of the act of eighteen hundred
and seventeen, chapter one hundred and forty-eight, and
that the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, may by or-
dinance, appoint and fix a period of time, within which, if
the said part of Holland street, extending as aforesaid, from
Union alley to Pitt street, or any proportion of the same, is
not opened agreeably to the laws of the state and ordinan-
ces of the city of Baltimore, it may be declared exempt
from the provisions of the sixteenth section, of the act of
eighteen hundred and seventeen, chapter one hundred and
forty eight, and that the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, way annex such provisions and conditions to the said
exemption as to them may seem just and proper.
Passed Feb. l7, 1832
An act for the benefit of Dr. William D. Conway, formerly
of Harford county.
Deed made valid.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the deed of Edward Brinton and Susanna
Brinton, of Chester county, state of Pennsylvania, dated the
twenty-fifth day of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-
five, to Dr. William D. Conway, of Harford county, state
of Maryland, acknowledged before Isaac Darlington, pre-
sident judge of the court of common pleas, in the fifteenth
judicial district of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, of
which the county of Chester forms a part, shall be valid in
law and equity, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, in as
full and ample a manner as if the certificate of the clerk
(or prothonotary) of Chester county and state aforesaid,
and seal of office, had been or was thereto subjoined and
affixed, as required by the laws of this state.
Record directed.
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That if the said Dr. William
D. Conway, shall at any time within six months after the
passage of this act, produce to the clerk of Harford county,
the certificate of the clerk (or prothonotary) of Chester
county, with the seal of office, attesting that Isaac Darling-