CHAP. 112..
thence a straight line in a westerly direction, to the new
stone church, including said church and all lots attached
thereto, thence a straight line to the place of beginning.
And that the taxable limits of the said town shall be as fol-
lows— including all that part of the town now improved, or
which the citizens may at any time hereafter improve, in
accordance with the eleventh section of this act: Provided,
That in no instance it may exceed the corporate limits as
laid down in this section.
Passed Feb. l6, l832
An act to repeal all such parts of the Constitution and form
of Government as relate to the division of Frederick coun-
ty into twelve election districts, and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That all such parts of the constitution and form of
government of this slate, as direct that Frederick county
shall be divided into twelve election districts, be and they
are hereby repealed.
Fourteen districts
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Frederick county shall be
divided into fourteen separate election districts, and that
the two additional districts shall be taken and laid off, the
one froir the third election district as they are now number-
ed, so as to include the town of Jefferson, in which place
the election shall beheld, and the other from the sixth and
seven election districts, as they are now numbered, and that
the rest and residue of the districts in said county, be and
remain as they now are.
Confirmatory pro-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be con-
firmed by the General Assembly of Maryland, after the
next election of delegates, during the first session after such
new election, as the constitution and form of government
directs, in such case this act and the alterations herein con-
tained, shall constitute and be considered as a part of the
constitution and form of government to all intents and pur-
poses, any thing therein contained to the contrary notwith-
Thirteenth district
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the new district to be
taken and laid off from the sixth and seventh election district,
when laid off and completed, shall be numbered thirteen,
and shall forever, thereafter, be distinguished and known as
the thirteenth election district of Federick county.
Fourteenth district
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the new election district
to be laid off and taken from the third election district, shall