twenty dollars for each offence, and all fines and forfeitures
shall be recovered for the use of the corporation, and in
the name of the burgees and commissioners of Mechanics
town, and it shall be the duty of the burgess aforesaid, to
see that all ordinances are duly and faithfully executed; and
he shall, in virtue of his office, have and exercise, within
the limits of the corporation, all the jurisdiction and powers
of a justice of the peace, except as to the recovery of
CHAP. 111.
small debts; and be shall report annually to the commission-
ers, during the first two days of their session, a general
state of the town, with an accurate account of the money
received and expended, to be published for the information
of the citizens; and the said burgess, before he acts as
Annual accounts.
such, shall take an oath or affirmation, as the case may be,
before some justice of the peace for Frederick county,
that he will well and faithfully, without favour, affection or
partiality, execute the office of burgess, to the best of his
knowledge; and each commissioner shall, before he acts as
such, take an oath or affirmation, as the case may be, be-
fore some justice of the peace for the county aforesaid, that
he will faithfully and honestly, to the best of his skill and
judgment, exercise the powers given, and discharge the du-
ties required of him by this law, as a commissioner of Me-
chanics Town, impartially, and without favor or resent-
ment to any, and without delay.
Oath of officers.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the said burgess shall
be the treasurer for the said corporatiou, and shall give
bond to the said corporate body, with security to be ap-
proved by the commissioners, or a majority of them, in
such penalty as they shall fix, conditioned for the faithful
discharge of his duty as treasurer; and he shall receive and
pay away, all moneys that he shall be directed to receive
and pay away by the ordinances to be passed by the said
commissioners or a majority of them.
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the limits of the said
town, for all purposes, except taxation, by the laws of the
corporation, shall be as follows — commencing at Nathaniel
Eylir's dwelling house, on the west end of the town, in-
eluding said house, thence a straight line in a south easterly
direction, to Adam Ridinout's dwelling house, including
said house, thence in a straight line, in a southerly direction
to W. P. Jone's factory, including said factoroy and all
buildings attached thereto, thence a straight line due east
to Weller's run, thence a straight line in a north easterly di-
rection to Henry Fundenburg's barn, including said barn,
thence a straight line in a north westerly direction to
"Weller's run, at its intersection with the Emmittsburg road,
Limits of taxation.