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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 11.


Passed Jan. 13, 1832

An act to extend the time for taking the Bond of the Sheriff of
Calvert county.

Court to take bond.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the orphans' court of Calvert county, or any two judges
thereof, be and they are hereby authorised to take and ap-
prove in manner as is now directed by law, the bond with
securities, of Henry L. Harrison, as sheriff of said county,
at any time when presented to said court or judges, before
the first day of March next; and the said bond with secur-
ities, when so taken and approved of, shall have the same
effect, force and operation, to all intents and purposes, as
if the same had been so taken and approved of within the
time limited by law, any act to the contrary notwithstand-



Passed Jan 13, 1832.

An act to authorise Dr. William J. M'Elhenny, of Harford
county, to hire out certain negroes.

Authority to hire
out negroes.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Dr. William J. M'Elhenny, of Harford county, be and he
is hereby authorised and empowered to hire out the follow-
ing named negroes; to wit: Jinny, Jim, Mahaely, Rachel,
Betsey, Jack and Dolly, in the same manner in which he
might or could have done had the said negroes been born
slaves within this state.



Passed Jan. 14 18S2

An act to authorise John Kinzer, Henry Herring and Solo-
mon Sailor, trustees named in a certain deed from John
Wampler, or their successors, to build a suitable house on
the lot therein conveyed for the residence and accommoda-
tion of a teacher.


WHEREAS, John Wampler by deed bearing date on the
ninth day of April, eighteen hundred and ten, did convey
to John Kinzer, Henry Herring and Solomon Sailor, and
their successors, a certain piece or parcel of land describ-
ed in said deed, for the purpose of a school house lot, and

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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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