CHAP. 89.
remain unlighted; the said fines to be recovered before a
justice of the peace in either Cecil or Kent counties, as the
cavse may be, as other small debts are recoverable, the one
half to the use of the county in which suit may be insti-
tuted, and the other half to the use of the informer.
is river.
Sec. 17. And be it enacted. That if at any lime hereaf-
ter any obstructions to the navigation of the river Sassa-
fras should arise from the erection of the bridge authorised
to be built by this act, so as to impede the free passage of
such boats or vessels as are or may be used on said river,
the president or directors of said bridge shall be liable to
indictment in the county court of Cecil or Kent counties,
for occasioning such obstructions, and upon conviction
thereof, shall be adjudged by the court in which convic-
tion takes place, to remove all such obstructions at his or
their own expense; and if such obstructions shall not he
removed agreeably to the judgment of said court, within
sixty days thereafter, then it shall be the duty of said court,
upon proof of neglect or refusal of the president or direc-
tors of said bridge, to obey the judgment of said court
within said period, to impose upon said president or direc-
tors such fine as they may deem adequate to the removal
of such obstructions, to be collected, with the costs of pro-
secution, as other fines, and to be applied, under the direc-
tion of said court, for the removal of said obstructions.
Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That if the aforesaid bridge
he not commenced within two years, and completed with-
in five years from the passage of this act, then and in such
case all the privileges hereby granted shall cease.
Public ferry.
Sec. 19. And be it enacted. That from and after the
completion of said bridge, it shall not be lawful to keep up
a public ferry from Frederick-Town in Cecil county, to
George Town in Kent county, except only whilst the said
bridge may be under repair, or cannot be fully used and
enjoyed for the purpose for which it was erected.
Passed Feb 11.
An Act relating to the Records in the Register of Wills
Office in Kent County.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by
the petition of Frederick Wilson, register of wills for
Kent county, that certain records in his office have become