Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That if any person or per-
sons shall wilfully, or without the orders of the said pre-
sident and directors, pull down, break or destroy, with in-
tent to injure, any part or parts of the said bridge, or of
any abutment, pier or piers, or of any of the toll- houses, .
gates, bars, or other property of the said corporation, ap-
pertenant to, or erected or made for, the use and conveni-
ence of the said bridge, or the persons employed in con-
ducting the business thereof, or shall wilfully, without the
orders and consent of the said corporation, or any person
or persons authorised by them, obliterate, deface or destroy ,
the letters, figures, or other characters, in any written or
printed list of the rates or tolls affixed, or to be affixed, in
any place or places, for the information of passengers and
others, or who shall wilfully and maliciously obstruct OP
impede the passage on or over the said bridge, or any part
or parts thereof, he, she or they, so offending, shall, and.
each of them shall, forfeit and pay to the said president,
directors and company, not exceeding the sum of twenty
dollars, to be recovered before any justice of the peace, in
like manner, and subject to the same rules and regulations,
as debts under fifty dollars may he recovered; and he, she
or they, so offending, may and shall remain liable to ac-
tions, at the suit of the president and directors, for further
damages for such offence, if the said sum or sums herein
mentioned be not sufficient to repair and satisfy such da-
CHAP. 89.
Penalty for in-
juring bridge,
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That the president or di-
rectors of the said bridge shall have authority, and they
are hereby authorised, to prohibit by notice, affixed upou
some conspicuous part of said bridge, all persons from dis-
charging; any guns, muskets, or fire-arms whatsoever, upon
the said bridge, under a penalty of five dollars for every
such offence, to he recovered before any justice of the
peace in Cecil or Kent counties, to be applied to the use of
said counties.
For firing guns
Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That the said president,
directors and company, are herebv directed to cause to he
kept six lamps lighted up at twilight of each and every
day whilst said bridge is kept up for travelling upon, in
the following manner, that is to say, two at each end of
said bridge, and two at the draw thereof; which said lamps
shall all be lighted and kept up all the night for the pur-
pose of giving light to travellers when passing over said
bridge, and to vessels passing through the draw thereof;
and upon neglect of lighting up said lamps, a fine of one
dollar is hereby imposed upon the said president, directors
and company, for each and every hour that said lamps shall
Lamps for
lighting the