CHAP. 88.
ready, for the purpose of raising the said draw, in order
to admit vessels to pass through without delay or inter-
ruption, for which no reward shall be demanded or re-
ceived; and in case of any neglect the said president and
directors may be indicted and fined in either Cecil or Kent
county courts, as a common nuisance.
Vested in com-
pany— Tolls.
Sec. 11. And he it enacted, That for and in conside-
ration of the great risk and expenses to be incurred by said
company, not only for building the said bridge, but for
keeping the same in continual repair, the said bridge, when
built and completed according to the directions of this act,
and all its profits, shall be, and the same are hereby vested
in the said company forever, to be held as tenants in com-
mon, in proportion to their respective shares; and it shall
and may be lawful for the said directors, at all times here-
after, to demand and receive such reasonable tax or toll, as
they may from time to time agree on and requiire; Pro-
vided, they shall not at any time demand and receive more
than the present rates of ferriage over Sassafras river,
which rates or tolls shall at all times he made public, and
shall not be altered or changed oftener than once in each
Penalty for re-
ceiving- great-
er tolls than
Sec. 12. And be it evaded. That if the said president
«»nd directors, or their successors, or any person by their
authority, shall demand or receive any greater rates or
tolls for passing over the said bridge than is herein before al-
lowed, or shall neglect to keep the said bridge in good re-
pair for the space of ten days at any one time, they so of-
fending shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pav the
sum of fifty dollars, one half thereof for the use of Cecil
and Kent counties, and the other half for the use of the
person who may sue for the same; Provided, that no suit
or action shall be brought, unless within sixty days alter
such offence* shall be committed.
Ser. 1 3. And be it enacted. That the said president and
directors shall keep a just and true account of all monies
received by their several and respective collectors of tolls,
for crossing the said bridge, and shall make and declare a
dividend of the profits and income thereof, among all the
stockholders, first deducting therefrom all contingent costs
and charges, and such proportions of the said income as
they may deem necessary to provide against the decay, and
for repairing the said bridge, and shall, on everv first Mpn-
day in June and January of every year, publish the divi-
dend to be made of the said clear profits thereof among the
stockholders, and also the time and place where and when
the same shall be paid, and shall cause the same to be paid