share at any one time, nor until they shall have given at
least four weeks notice ihereot as aforesaid.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted. That if any stockholder, after
four weeks notice as aioresaid of the time and place ap-
pointed for the payment of any portion or dividend of the
said capital stock, shall neglect to pay such proportion at
the time so appointed, and for the space of forty days there-
after, every such stockholder, or his assignee, shall, in ad-
dition to the dividends so called for, pay at the rate of
three per centum per month, for every delay of such pay-
ment, and if the same, and the said additional penalties,
shall remain unpaid for such space of time, that the accu-
mulated penalties shall become equal to the sums before
paid on account of such share or shares, the same shall be
forfeited to the company, and shall be sold by them to any
other person or persons willing; to purchase the same, for
the best price that can he obtained therefor.
CHAP. 88.
in case of ne-
glect in pay.
ing dividends
on stock.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the president and di-
rectors of the said company, shall keep fair and just ac-
counts of all monies received by them from the commis-
sioners, and from the subscribers to the said undertaking,
and of all penalties for the delay in the payment thereof,
nnd of the amount of the profits on shares that may be for-
feited, and generally of all monies received by them for
the purpose of erecting the said bridge, and also of all mo-
nies by them expended in the prosecution of the said work;
and shall, at least once in every year, submit such accounts
to a general meeting of the stockholders, until the said
bridge be completed, and until all the costs, charges and
expenses, for effecting the same, shall be fully paid and
discharged, and the aggregate amount of all such expenses
shall be liquidated and ascertained; and if, after the said
bridge is completed, it shall be found that more monies
shall remain in the hands of the treasurer than is necessary
for the payment of all charges and expenses incurred in
and about erecting the said bridge, the surplus shall be re-
turned as part of the dividend due and payable to the
stockholders respectively.
Accounts to be
See. 10. And be it enacted, That the said bridge shall
be built in the most secure and substantial manner, and
shall be secured and supported at each end by good and
sufficient abutments or piers, and shall be not less than
thirty feet wide, with railing on each side thereof, and
there shall be a draw in the said bridge at the deepest
part of the channel, so as to afford a convenient passage
to vessels up and down the said river, of at least thirty
feet wide; and the president and directors for the time
being, shall keep a sufficient number of hands at all times
Bridge, how
to be built.