shall bring to any justice of the peace of said county the
head or heads of any crow or crows, killed after the passage
of this act, such person shall, for every such head, be al-
lowed in the county levy of said county, the sum of six
and one-fourth cents for each head; and the justice of the
peace, before whom such head or heads shall be brought,
is hereby required to give the person or persons bringing
the same, a certificate thereof, and cause the said head or
heads to be burned, or otherwise destroyed, in the presence
of the person or persons, on delivery.
CHAP. 10*
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That no person whatsoever
shall be entitled to any allowance for any such head or
heads, without first making oath, or affirmation, as the case
may be, that such crow or crows were taken and killed in
the county where such certificate is applied for, since the
passage of this act, and that no certificate hath been ob-
tained from any other justice of the peace for the same;
and that it shall be the duty of each and every justice of
the peace, before whom such head or heads may be brought
by virtue of this act, to take and receive the oath, or af-
firmation, of the party bringing the same, free and clear
from all charges against the person or persons making such
oath, or affirmation, any thing in any law to the contrary
Oath to be ta-
An Act to authorise and empower John W. Richardson
to import and bring into this State certain Negroes
therein mentioned.
Passed Jan. 19
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That at any time within one year after the passage of this
act, John W. Richardson of the city of Baltimore, be and
he is hereby authorised to bring into this state, and them
retain as slaves, the following negroes, to wit: William,
July and Jane, and to have and to hold the said negroes in
the same manner and right as if they had never been out
Authorised to
bring slaves in-
to state
of this state; Provided, That nothing in this act contained
shall be construed to authorise a disposition of said slaves
contrary to the several acts of assembly relating to the
bringing in of slaves into this state; Provided also, That
the said John W. Richardson shall cause the said slaves to