CHAP 11.
be registered in the records of Baltimore county court
within sixty days after they shall have been brought into
this state.
Passed Jan. 14
An Act relative to a part of the Westminster and Ha-
ger's-Town Turnpike Road,
Levy authoris-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General .Assembly of
Maryland, That the levy court of Frederick county be,
and they are hereby authorised and required, to levy and
collect a sum of money sufficient to put in good and suffi-
cient order, and keep in repair all that part of the road lo-
cated as the Westminster and Hager's-Town Turnpike
Road, which commences at the termination of five miles
thereof in John Smith's lane, and runs westward through
Union Town to a point near John Grammer's house, and
to levy and collect, and appoint a supervisor annually, to
keep said part of the road in order and repair, as all other
county roads.
Relating to
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful
for said turnpike company to ask, demand, take or receive,
any toll or tolls for more than five miles of said road; that
is, half the rates of toll specified and Authorised for ten
miles by the original act of eighteen hundred and nine,
chapter ninety-six, section fourteen, incorporating said com-
Company may
complete road
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained, shall be so construed as at any time hereafter to
prevent the said turnpike company from making progress
towards completing and finishing said road, so soon as they
shall be enabled to do so, in accordance with the original
act of incorporation, and the several supplements thereto.