An Act for the relief of certain distressed Foreigners
in Frederick County.
CHAP 87.
Passed Feb 10
WHEREAS during the past fall, and the current winter,
there have been and are in the city of Frederick and its
neighbourhood, a large number of foreigners in a distressed
situation, received into the alms-house, and furnished with
medicine and the necessaries of life, as the dictates of hu-
manity require: And whereas doubts exist whether under
the existing laws the levy court of said county are autho-
rised to levy money to defray the expenses incurred by
said trustees for their relief, inasmuch as said foreigners, in
legal contemplation, may not be considered residents of
the county:
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court of Frederick county, at the time of
making their next annual levy, be and they are hereby
authorised, to levy on the assessable property of said coun-
ty the amount which the trustees of the poor of said coun-
ty shall have then expended for the relief of distressed fo-
reigners, in the same manner as the said levy court by the
existing laws would be authorised and required to levy the
amount aforesaid if the same had been expended by the
trustees upon persons whom it was their unquestionable
duty to receive into the alms-house, and provide for as the
poor of the county.
Levy authoris-
An Act to make valid and authorise the Recording of a
Bill of Sale therein mentioned.
Passed Feb 10,
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the clerk of Anne- Arundel county court
be and he is hereby directed, to record among the records
of said county the bill of sale from Lydia Gambrill to
Lancelot Gambrill, bearing; date the twenty-second clay of
May eighteen hundred and thirty.
Deed to be re-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said bill of sale,
when so recorded, shall be as good and valid, to all intents
and purposes, as if the same had been recorded in the time
and manner required by law.
To be valid.