CHAP. 85.
court, and the said trustees of the poor, shall be entitled,
in addition to their per diem allowance, to receive six centa
per mile for each and every mile that his residence shall
be distant from the places at which said levy court and said
trustees of the poor shall meet or sit the said mileage to
be allowed and paid for each and every day he shall at-
tend said court or said trustee meetings.
Cleric to return
Sec 4. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the county
shall certify to the lew court the distance or number of
miles that each member of the levy court, and each trustee
of the poor may or shall reside from the place or places of
meeting of the said levy court and trustees of the poor,
respectively; which said certificate shall be fill authority
to the levy court to empower them to cause a levy to be
made on said county for the amount which to them may
seem necessary to meet the provisions of this act.
Passed Feb 10.
An Act authorising and empowering the Commissioners
of Harford County to build, a Bridge over Deer
Creek, at or near William Pyles' Saw-mill.
Levy authoris-
ed for building
Be it. enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall he lawful for the commissioners of Harford
county, and they are hereby authorised and empowered,
at their discretion, to levy upon the assessable property of
said county, at their next annual assessment, a sum of mo-
ney not exceeding the sum of six hundred dollars, for the
purpose of erecting a bridge across Deer creek, at or near
William Pyles' saw-mill, and ihat they appoint three com-
missioners to fix upon a site for erecting the same at or near
the aforesaid William Pyles' saw-will; and the said county
commissioners shall also contract with some person or per-
sons for erecting said bridge, by offering the building of said
bridge to the best, or lowest bidder, first giving notice in
the newspapers printed in Belle-Air, for three successive
weeks, of the day they will receive proposals, who shall
give bond and security to the said commissioners for build-
ing the same in a good and substantial manner, and for a
sum not exceeding six hundred dollars.