CHAP. 88.
passed Feb 10.
An Act to incorporate a Company for erecting a Bridge
over the Sassafras River, at the place where the Public
Ferry is now kept, from Fredericktown, in Cecil
County, to Georgetown, in Kent County.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas M. Forman, Hyland B. Pen-
ington, George Biddle, John V. Price, and John H. Lus-
by, of Cecil county; William Palmer, John M. Comegys,
James Pearce, John Anthony, and David Davis, of Kent
county, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners,
to do and perform the several duties hereinafter mention-
ed, that is to say, they, or a majority of them, shall and
may, on or before the first Monday in June next, procure
one or more hooks, as they shall think necessary, and enter
therein as follows, to wit: We whose names are hereunto
subscribed, do promise to pay to the president, directors
and company, for erecting a bridge over Sassafras river, at
the place where the public ferry is now kept, from Frede-
ricktown in Cecil county, to Georgetown in Kent county,
the sum of five dollars at the time of subscribing, for every
share of stock in said company set opposite our respective
names, and the residue thereof in such manner and pro-
portions, (agreeably to the limitations hereinafter express-
ed) and at such times as shall be determined by the presi-
dent and directors chosen in pursuance of this act, and
shall thereupon proceed to receive subscriptions for the
stock of the said company, which is hereby declared 'to be
the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars, divided
into two hundred and fifty shares of thirty dollars each, at
such times and places as they shall think proper, of which
three weeks notice shall be given in the most public places
ill Cecil and Kent counties, and also in such newspapers in
the state as the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
.shall think proper, and shall keep the said books open for
the space of one week, unless the whole number of shares
of stock shall be sooner subscribed for, which subscriptions
may be made in person or by proxy; and in case the whole
number of shares shall be subscribed for in that time, the
said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall give no-
tice as aforesaid of the time and place, when and where
they will receive subscription for the remaining shares.
Payment a
time of sub-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That everv person at the
time of subscribing, shall pav to the attending; commission-
er or commissioners five dollars for every share by him or