Maryland for twelve, and in the said town for six months,
immediately preceding the election, shall be entitled to
elect all town officers, according to the original act to
which this is a supplement.
CHAP. 84.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing in the original
act to which this is a supplement, shall be so construed as
to require any property qualifications of any voter to enti-
tle him to a vote in said town.
of original law,
An Act to regulate, the Per Diem of Justices of the \
Levy Court and Trustees of the Poor for Dorches-
ter County , and for other purposes.
Passed Feb 10.
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That each and every witness hereafter to he
summoned to attend at any court in Dorchester county,
shall be entitled to receive, for each and every day he shall
attend as such, the sum of sixty-two cents, and in addition
thereto an a'lowance of three cents per mile, for each and
every mile that his place of residence shall be distant from
the place of holding said courts, the said allowance of three
cents per mile to be levied, collected and paid, in the same
manner, and at the same time, with his per diem allow-
ance, and he shall be entitled to receive said allowance or
sum of three cents per mile for each day said witness may
attend said court.
Allowance to
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the sheriff summoning; such witnesses, to return to the
clerk or register, as the case may be, of the court to which
such witness shall be summoned, the distance of which
each witness resides or lives from the place of holding
said court; and the said clerk or register shall return a list
of said witnesses, with the distance of their respective re-
sidences, to the levy court of Dorchester county, that they
may be the better enabled to make said levy aforesaid
Sheriff to re-
turn distance
to court.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That each and every justice
of the levy court in Dorchester county shall be entitled to
receive one dollar and twenty-five cents for each and every
day he shall attend said court, and each and every trustee
of the poor in Dorchester county shall be entitled to re-
ceive one dollar and twenty -five cents per day for each
and every day he shall attend trustee meetings at the poor
house in said county; and the said justices of the levy
Allowances to
Levy court
and trustees of