Of the stockholders, be and the same is hereby extended
to the first Monday in the year eighteen hundred and thir-
ty-four; and that the said stockholders are hereby authoris-
ed and empowered to meet at any time or times, to be by
them, or a majority of them determined, previous to the
first Monday in May, in the year one thousand eight hun-
dred and thirty-four, to perform and discharge the duties
required of them by the act to which this is an additional
CHAP. 7.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all and any amount of
money, directed by the ninth section of the original law
to which this is an additional supplement, to be deposited
in the Elkton hank, shall be deposited in the Bank of the
Susquehannah Bridge and Bank Company, or in any other
bank in Maryland, at the discretion of the managers.
where to be
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the supplement to
which this is an additional supplement, and so much of the
original act to which this is an additional supplement, as is
inconsistent with, or repugnant to the provisions of this
act, be and the same is hereby repealed.
An Act to prevent Swine and Geese going at large in
Middle- Town, Groves' Addition, and Keller's Addi-
tion to Middle- Town, in Frederick County.
Passed Jan, 15
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the first day of March
next, it shall and may be lawful for all and every free
white person or persons to take up and impound any geese
or swine which may be found going at large in either of
said towns, and the person or persons so taking up the
same shall give four days notice by advertisements set up
in four of the most public places in said town, describing
the swine or geese so taken up, and that the same will be
sold in the most public square in the said town to the
highest bidder for cash, one half of the purchase money to
go to the person so taking up the said swine or geese, and
the other half to the owner or owners, and if no owner or
owners shall claim the said half on the day of sale, the said
half to be paid over to the trustees of the Middle-Town
School, and if not demanded within one month, the same
May be im-
shall be for the education of poor children; Provided al- ;