CHAP. 6.
His acts con-
by that name to purchase, hold, sell, contract, convey or
demise, and to be sued in any court of Jaw or equity.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all securities, promises,
contracts, assurances, devises, deeds, and lawful acts what-
soever, to be made or done by or to the said Caleb Bell,
shall be of the same force and effect, and of equal avail, to
all intents and purposes, as if the name of the said Caleb
Bell had originally been his true and proper name.
Passed Jan. 14
An Act for the benefit of William Workman, of Allegany
WHEREAS, William Workman, of Allegany county,
hath set forth by his petition to this General Assembly, that
in the year eighteen hundred and twenty- seven, he caught
seven young Wolves in said county, and that he obtained
certificates from a justice of the peace for the heads thereof,
and the levy court of said county having doubts as to their
authority in levying money on the county for the same —
Levy authoris-
Be it enacted by the. General Assembly of Maryland,
That the county commissioners for Allegany county, be
and they are hereby authorised and directed, to levy on
the taxable property of said county, for the use of Wil-
liam Workman of said county, for each and every certifi-
cate he has obtained as aforesaid, such sum as heretofore
has been paid for young wolves heads in said county.
Passed Jan. 17
An Additional Supplement to an act, entitled, A Sup-
plement to an act to Incorporate the Port Deposit and
Chesapeake Turnpike Road Company, passed at De-
cember Session eighteen hundred and twenty-seveny
Chapter two hundred.
Period for first
meeting exten-
ded ,
Section 1 . He it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the period limited in the supplement, to
which this is an additional supplement, for the first meeting