An Act to fix the compensation of Jurors in Kent
CHAP. 70.
Passed Jan 7.
Section 1. fie it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That each and every juror hereafter to be sum-
moned on the regular pannel of jurors to Kent county
court, shall he entitled to receive, for each day which he
shall attend as a juror, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents,
and in addition thereto an allowance of six and a quarter
cents per mile, for every mile that his place of residence
shall be distant from the place of holding the county court,
to be levied, collected and paid, in the same manner, and
at the same time, with his per diem allowance; and he shall
be entitled to receive mileage for each day such juror shall
attend the court.
Allowance to
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing contained in
the aforegoing section shall he construed to allow any juror
mileage in returning to his residence during the time he
shall attend said county court.
An Ac/ relating to certain Books and Records in the Or-
phans Court of Baltimore County.
Passed Jan 29.
WHERE AS certain books or records in the orphans court
for Baltimore county, containing; the evidence or registry
of administrations granted in said county on the estates of
deceased persons, commonly called "Administration
Books," or "Records of the administrations granted on
the estates of deceased persons," have by time, and the
common and necessary use thereof, become much defaced,
and are becoming illegible; and as it is of the utmost im-
portance that the evidences of administrations granted in
said county, and of all titles to property therein, should be
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the orphans court for Baltimore county,
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to em-
ploy and direct the register of wills for said county to
make out, and transcribe, from time to time, such of the
Register to be
authorised to