CHAP 45.
PasSed Feb. 8.
An Act authorising Michael Sinnott, of Harford
County, to hold certain Real Estate.
Deeds made
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That two several deeds from William Finney,
of Harford county, to Michael Sinnott, of the same coun-
ty, the one bearing date on the fiffh day of November, in
the year eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, anc the other
bearing date on the tenth day of March, in the year eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-nine, for two tracts or parcels of
land situate in the county aforesaid, and both of which said
deeds are recorded among the land records of said county,
be and they are hereby confirmed, a.nd made valid and ef-
fectual in law, to all intents and purposes, and as available
to transfer the right, title and estate of the said William
Finney, of, in and to the premises mentioned in said deeds,
to the said Michael Sinnott, as if the said Michael Sinnott
had been regularly naturalized before the execution of the
said deeds, agreeably to the laws of the United States re-
gulating the naturalization of foreigners; Provided always,
that nothing conta:ned in this act shall be taken or con-
strued in any manner to affect any right or claim to said
premises which may have been bona fide acquired by any
other person or persons before the passage of this act.
Authorised to
purchase and
hold real es-
Sec. 2. And be it f urther enacted, That the said Mi-
chael Sinnott be, and he is hereby empowered and declar-
ed, capable to purchase, have, hold, possess and enjoy, real
estate in this state, and the game to convey, transmit or
transfer, by deed, devise or descent, in the same manner,
and subject to the same rules, as if he were at the time re-
gularly naturalized according to the laws of the United
Slates regulating the naturalization of foreigners; Provided
also, that the said Michael Sinnotf, shall, within two years
after the passage of this act, naturalize himself agreeably to
the laws of the United States; but if the said Michael Sin-
nott should die before he becomes naturalized, nothing in
this proviso shall prevent him from transferring or trans-
mitting his said real estate by descent, or devise, to any
person or persons capable in law to hold the same.