CHAP 57.
Implements to
be destroyed.
dence under the general issue upon any action brought
against him or them therefor.
Sec. 3. And be, it enacted. That any gambling imple-
ments found upon any such search, shall be destroyed or
burnt by the order of the court.
Passed Feb. 8.
An Act directing the manner of advertising Trespass-
ing Estrays.
Estrays to be
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
when any person aggrieved shall take up as an estray,
trespassing upon his enclosures, any horse, mare or geld-
ing, it shall he the duly oi such person to cause the de-
scription thereof, token by a justice of the peace, to be
published and continued three successive weeks in a news-
paper, if any Ihrre he published in the county where such
estray shall be taken up, if none be there published,
then in such newspaper as the justice taking such de-
scription shall direct; and the said justice is hereby requir-
ed to direct publication as aforesaid to be made in such
newspaper as in his opinion has most extensive circulation
in the county where any such estrays may be taken up.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That this act shall not be
taken or construed to repeal any part of the existing laws
of this state, except such as are inconsistent with the pro~
visions herein contained.
Passed Feb. 7.
A Supplement to the act to divorce. Rebecca Wilson and
James Wilson, passed at December session eighteen
hundred and twenty-nine, chapter two hundred and
May assume
her maiden
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Rebecca Wilson be, and she is hereby authorised to
assume her maiden name Rebecca Fling, as it was intend-