CHAP. 49.
Liability an-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said James Reeder
shall not be liable for any debt to be hereafter contracted
by the said Susanna Reeder.
Passed Feb. 7.
An Act supplementary to the act passed at December
session eighteen hundred and twenty-four, chapter
one hundred and sixty two, empowering the Levy
Court of Harford County, in their discretion, to
build a Bridge over Deer Creek in said County.
Levy authoris-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Harford county be, and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, to levy on the assessa-
ble property of said county, the sum of two hundred dol-
lars in addition to the sum authorised by the original act
to which this is a supplement, should said commissioners
deem it expedient to build said bridge.
Passed Feb. 7.
An Act to authorise the Baltimore and Susquehanna
Rail Road Company to construct a lateral Rail Road
to Westminster, and for other purposes.
Branch of rail
road may be
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail
Road Company shall be and they are hereby authorised,
to construct a branch of said rail road, commencing at some
suitable point upon the main stem, to be by them deter-
mined, within ten miles from the city of Baltimore, and
extending from thence through or across the town of West-
minster, between the following points on the turnpike road ;
say William Mitten's on the south-east, and Philip Vautz's
tavern stand on the north-west end of said town, in Fre-
derick county, to such point or points upon the head wa-
ters of the Monocacy river as will form the most conve-
nient, direct and practicable communication between that
county and the city of Baltimore; and for that purpose the