said Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road Company are
hereby invested with all the rights, powers and privileges,
given and granted to the said company, and to levy and
charge the same rates of tolls and transportation as are pre-
scribed and fixed by the act, entitled, An act to incorpo-
rate the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road Company,
passed at December session eighteen hundred and twenty-
CHAP. 50.
Sec 2. And be it enacted, That if the Baltimore and
Susquehanna Rail Road Company shall not commence the
actual construction of the said branch rail road within two
years from the passage of this act, and shall not complete
the same with at least one set of tracks within five years
from the time of the commencement thereof, as tar as the
town of Westminster aforesaid, then this act shall be null
and void.
A n Act for the surrender of the Charter of Baltimore
Passed Feb. 7.
WHEREAS the trustees of Baltimore College, and the
trustees of the University of Maryland, have by their
joint memorial to this legislature, made it known that the
organization of the faculty of arts and sciences in the Uni-
versity of Maryland, hath provided for the establishment
of a collegiate department upon a plan that embraces all the
objects contemplated by the act incorporating the said Bal-
timore College, and have suggested that this organization of
the said faculty will be rendered more beneficial to the ci-
tizens of the state of Maryland if the charter of said Bal-
timore College should be surrendered up to the state, upon
such terms as would transfer the property belonging to the
said corporation to the trustees of the University, to be ap-
plied by them to the use and support of the said collegiate
department: And whereas it appears just and expedient to
this legislature that the objects set forth in the said memo-
rial should be effectuated; Therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the trustees of Baltimore College be and
they are hereby authorised to execute a deed of transfer of
all the property, estate and effects, of the said corporation,
to the trustees of the University of Maryland; upon the
Deed of trans-
fer authorised
on certain con-