CHAP. 46.
Owners of ves-
sels to pay.
thorised under the act of seventeen hundred and seventy-
eight, chapter twenty-one.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That when said wharf shall
be completed, the commissioners of said town shall be and
they are hereby authorised, to demand and receive from
the owner or master of every vessel lying at or using the
same, a sum not exceeding fifty cents per day, or more
than twenty- five cents for any less time, and they are here-
by authorised to sue for and recover the same before any
justice of the pea^e of this state, which monies, when re-
ceived, shall be accounted for by said commissioners, and
applied to the use of said town.
Penalty for
placing' ob-
structions on
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That if any evil-disposed
person or persons shall injure or damage said wharf by
placing obstructions on the same, or in the water near the
same, with a view to injure or damage said wharf, upon in-
dictment and conviction thereof in Harford county court,
he or they may be fined by said court at their discretion in
a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than
five dollars for every such offence, and the cost thereon;
Provided always, that if said commissioners shall com-
mence said wharf, but fail or neglect to complete the same,
then and in such case nothing in this act shall be constru-
ed or taken as to exempt said commissioners, or their suc-
cessors in office, from responsibility to any person or per-
sons who may or shall have been damaged or injured by
the commencement of said wharf.
Passed Feb. 7.
An Act further to provide for the payment of future
Instalments of the State's subscription for Stock of
the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, or Chesapeake,
and Ohio Canal Companies.
Treasurer to
advertise pro-
posals to pur-
chase stock.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the treasurer for the western shore, be
and he is hereby authorised, to adverti.se three succesvsive
weeks in two or more newspapers of the city of Balti-
more, for proposals to purchase stock of this state, to be
irredeemable for fifteen years, to be redeemable thereafter
at the pleasure of the state, and to bear interest of five
per cent, per annum, payable quarterly, and to comment