twenty, twenty-one, and twenty-two, tnd now due, upon
any lands which may have been sold by him for the pur-
pose of making said tax, where the sale may not have been
ratified or consummated, and he is hereby vested with all
the legal power to collect said tax as he was during said
CHAP. 45.
A n Act authorising the Commissioners of the Town of
Havre-de-Grace, in Harford County, to build a Wharf
in the River Susquehanna, at the termination of
Saint-Clair Street, otherwise known as Brown's Point,
in said Town.
Passed Feb. 4;
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a majority of the commissioners of the ]
town of Havre-de-Grace, in Harford county, be and they
are hereby authorised and empowered to erect a wharf in
the river Susquehanna, at the termination of a street in
said town called Saint-Clair street, or -Brown's Point, but
nothing herein contained shall authorise said commission-
ers to build said wharf at the termination of any other pub-
lic street in said town.
Wharf autho-
rised to be
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall commence said wharf within twelve months, and shall
complete the same within two years after the passage of
this act, and when completed shall give four weeks notice
thereof by advertisements set up at several of the most
public places in said town; and if any person or persons,
deeming himself or themselves injured or damaged by the
erection of said wharf, shall, within twelve months after
the expiration of the term of notice to be given by the said
commissioners as aforesaid, apply to Harford county court,
by petition, stating their grievance, and accompanied bv
an affidavit to be made before some justice of the peace of
the truth of the contents thereof, then and in such case said
court, being first satisfied that said commissioners have had
five days notice of the contents of said petition, by being
served with a copy thereof, shall appoint three discreet
impartial and sensible men, who shall inquire into, hear
and determine, on the matter of the said petition, with the
same powers, and in the same manner as rclcrrees are au-
Persons ag-