cuments, belonging, or in any manner appertaining to the
said levy court of said county, and shall annually, on or
before the first Monday in June, after this law shall go in-
to operation, furnish to and lay before the commissioners,
all copies of such lists, accounts, papers and documents, as
may be useful and necessary to the said commissioners in
ascertaining the county charges, and according to the direc-
tion which he may from time to time receive from the said
commissioners; for which services he shall have and re-
ceive such fees as by law he is entitled to for like services
to receive; and in case the clerk of said county court as
aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to comply with any of the
provisions and requisitions contained in this act, when,
called on by the said commissioners, or the clerk thereof,
by their order thereafter, he shall, for every such neglect
or refusal, forfeit and pay to the said commissioners, for
the use of the said county, the sum of one hundred dol-
lars, to be recovered by indictment or action in any coun-
ty court within this state.
CHAP. 38.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the commissioners are
hereby authorised and empowered to employ some proper
person to erect, or cause to be erected and fitted up, in the
county courthouse, where they are not already provided,
with suitable book cases, in which the books, papers and
documents, belonging to the commissioners may be safe-
ly deposited and kept.
to erect cases
for books, &c.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That each of the said com-
missioners shall be entitled to receive two dollars per day ;
for every day he shall necessarily attend to the duties of
his office.
Their allow-
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers shall and may, at any time during, each and every year,
make, complete, and close their levy, any law to the con-
trary notwithstanding; and that all suits at law or in equity,
which may be pending at the time of the passage of this
act bv or against the commissioners of the tax, or the levy
court for Talbot county, shall be carried on in like manner,
nnd have the same legal effect, either in favour or against
the commissioners of the tax, or the levy court for Talbot
county, provided for in this act, as if such suit or suits had
been instituted by or against said commissioners.
May complete
their levy.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That after the commission-
ers shall be organized, it shall be the duty of said commis-
sioners to divide themselves as nearly equal as may be, into
three classes, which classes shall he by lot, No. one, two
and three, the first class shall go out the first year, and be
replaced by a new election at the next annual election, the
second class at the second year, and the third class at the
third year, and so to be annually replaced by annual elec-
To be elected
annually by