CHAP. 38.
sioners of the tax, and the clerk of the county courts, are
now by law severally authorised and required to perform;
and the person so appointed as clerk to the commissioners
as aforesaid, before he enters upon the duties of his office,
shall execute a bond to the state of Maryland, with such
security as the commissioners for Talbot county may ap-
prove, in the penalty of one thousand dollars, conditioned
for the true and faithful performance of the several and re-
spective duties hereby imposed, which shall be recorded in
the clerk's office of the county court for Talbot county, and
a copy thereof, under the seal of the said court, shall be as
sufficient evidence as the original; and the said clerk, when
so appointed, shall also take and subscribe the following
oath, or affirmation, as the case may be, to wit: I, A. B.
do swear or affirm, as the case may be, that as clerk of the
commissioners for Talbot county, I will honestly and faith-
fully, to the best of my skill and judgment, execute the du-
ties of said office, without favour, affection, partiality or
prejudice, so help me God;" which oath, or affirmation,
any one of the commissioners are hereby authorised to ad-
minister; and the said clerk shall he subject to the same pe-
nalties and forfeitures for nonperformance or neglect of of-
ficial duty, as are prescribed by the existing laws, in rela-
tion, as well to the several matters and things which the
clerk of the county court of said county may be legally di-
rected and required to perform, under the authority of the
levy court, as likewise to those which appertain to the of-
fice of the present clerk of the commissioners of the tax for
Talbot county.
Vacancy, how
to be supplied.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted. That in case iof a vacancy
occurring in the office of clerk to the commissioners as
created by this act, in consequence of death, resignation,
removal or disqualification, the same shall be supplied as
soon thereafter as may be practicable, in the manner pre-
scribed and directed by the preceding section of this act.
His compensa-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the clerk to be ap-
pointed by virtue of this act, as clerk to the commissioners
for Talbot county, shall he entitled to receive as compen-
sation for his services such sum annually as the commis-
sioners aforesaid may deem proper, not to exceed the sum
of two hundred and fifty dollars, to be levied on the asses-
sable property of Talbot county, to be collected and paid
over as the other county charges are.
Clerk of coun-
ty to deliver
over books,
, Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That upon the appointment
1 of said clerk to the commissioners for Talbot county, the
clerk of the county court of Talbot county shall, upon de-
mand of said clerk of the commissioners, by order of said
commissioners, forthwith deliver over to the said clerk ot
the commissioners all the books, accounts, papers and do-