Meadows, in said county, to John Malehorn, Mordecai G.
Cockey, and Abraham Leister, as trustees, in trust for the
purpose of erecting thereon a house for public worship,
free for all Christian denominations, and to be occupied
also as a school-house, in the manner and subject to the
provisions and regulations therein specified: And whereas
the said trustees, and a number of other inhabitants of
Baltimore county, in the neighbourhood of the said lot of
land, have subscribed and paid divers sums of money with
which a house has been erected on the said lot for the pur-
poses aforesaid, and have petitioned this general assembly
to incorporate them for the purpose of taking charge of.
and preserving the said house and lot for the uses mention-
ed in the said deed.
CHAP. 32
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said John Malehorn, Mordecai G.
Cockey, Abraham Leister, and all other persons who have
subscribed and paid, or shall subscribe and pay, any sum
of money to aid in the preservation or repair of the house
erected on the land conveyed in trust as ahove recited,
shall he and they are hereby incorporated by the name
and title of The Trustees of the Clover Hill School and
Meeting-House in Baltimore county, and by that name
shall have succession, and may have and use a common,
seal, and exercise all the powers of a corporate body ne-
cessary for the purposes contemplated by this act; and the
affairs of the said corporation shall be conducted, and the
powers thereof exercised, by three trustees to be chosen
by and from among the subscribers aforesaid hereby incor-
porated, at a public meeting to be held at the said school
and meeting-house annually, on the first Saturday of Oc-
tober, or within thirty days thereafter; and the said Joha
Malehorn, Mordecai G. Cockey, and Abraham Leister,
shall be and they are hereby appointed and declared the
trustees of the said corporation until the election shall be
made in October next as herein provided; and the trustees
herein appointed, and who shall hereafter be elected, shall
he entitled to hold their office until a new election shall be
made, and they shall have power to fill all vacancies which
shall occur in their own body by death, resignation, or re-
moval out of the county, until the annual election, and to
fake and use all proper legal means for the improvement,
preservation and repair, of the school and meeting-house
aforesaid, and the lot of land conveyed in trust as afore-
said, and for the collection, safe keeping and application, of
all money subscribed for that purpose; and it shall be the
duty of the said trustees to keep, or cause to be kept, a
book for the use and as the property of the said corpora-
Subscribers in-