No. 20.
A Resolution extending the time for completing the Re-
cords in the Office of Register of Wills of Charles
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the time authorised for completing the records in the office
of register of wills of Charles county, by the act of De-
cember session eighteen hundred and twenty-six, chapter
one hundred and seventy-four, he extended to the first of
August nexf.
Passed Feb 16
No. 21.
A Resolution authorising the Treasurer of the Western
Shore to pay to Benjamin L. Gantt, for the use of Benja-
min Duvall, Jr. of Prince-George's county, a sum of
money therein mentioned.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby au-
thorised, to pay to Benjamin L. Gantt, for the use of Ben-
jamin Duvall, Junior, of Prince-George's county, executor
of Benjamin Duvall, (of Elisha,) of said county, a revolu-
tionary soldier, wno died on the thirtieth day of January
List, thirty three dollars and twenty-two cents, it being
the amount due him at the time of his death as a pensi-
Passed Feb 16.
No. 22.
A Resolution in favour of Bell and James of Dorchester
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and
be is hereby authorised and directed, to pay to Bell and
Passed Feb 16