Passed Jan 11.
No. 3.
A Resolution relative to the Government House.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby au-
thorised and directed, to pay to the order of his excellency
the governor of Maryland, for furniture and repairs of the
government house, the sum of seven hundred dollars.
Passed Jan 11.
No. 4.
A Resolution directing the Treasurer of the Western Shore
to invest the money due Montgomery county, on account
of the Free Schools Fund, in the Commercial and Far-
mers' Bank of Baltimore.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore, be, and he is hereby
authorised and directed, to invest the sum of money due to
Montgomery county, on account of the free schools fund,
in the reserved shares of stock in the Commercial and Far-
mers' Bank of Baltimore.
Passed Jan 13.
No. 5.
A Resolution directing theTreasurer of the Western Shore,
to pay to William Ridgely or order, money due to John
Newman a Revolutionary Soldier.
Resolvedly the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore, be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to William Ridgely, esquire, or order, the
sum of fifteen dollars and thirty-three cents, being the sum
due to John Newman, late a pensioner of the state of Ma-
ryland, who was placed on the pension list by a resolution
of said state.