Absented to by the General Assembly of Maryland
at December Session, A. D. 1830.
No. 1.
A Resolution relative to the payment of the Members and
Officers of the General Assembly.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore, be and he is hereby au-
thorised and directed, to pay to the several members ol
the present general assembly, and the officers thereof, or
to their respective orders, the several sums of money now
due, and that may from time to time become due to them
respectively, and for which they shall obtain certificates
from the chairman of the committee of claims of the pre-
sent house of delegates.
Passed Jan, 4.
No. 2.
A Resolution authorising the Executive to settle the Ac-
count of Jonas Green for the Printing of the present
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
on the delivery of the laws and journals in the council
chamber, the governor and council are hereby authorised
and empowered, to settle the account of Jonas Green, ac-
cording to the terms of the contract entered into with him
for the printing of the present session.
Passed Jan 11.