CHAP. 189.
or other act, of any person or persons, body politic or cor-
porate whatsoever; to take and receive any sum or sums of
money, goods or chattels, that shall be given, sold or be-
queathed to them in any manner whatsoever; to occupy,
use and enjoy, or sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of, ac-
cording to the by-laws and ordinances regulating the same,
now or hereafter to be prescribed, all such lands, tenements
or hereditaments, money, goods or chattels, as they shall
determine most conducive to the colonizing with their own
consent, on the coast of Africa, the free people of colour
residing in the United States, and for no other uses or pur-
poses whatsoever; to make and use a common seal, and the
same to destroy, alter or renew at their pleasure; and also
to ordain and establish such by-laws and ordinances, and
to do all such acts and deeds as they shall deem necessary,
for regulating and managing the concerns of the said body
corporate; Provided however, that the constitution and
laws of this state and of the United States, and this act of
assembly, be not violated thereby.
Property vest-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That for the object aforesaid
all property, real, personal and mixed, whether in action
or possession, and all rights, credits and demands, owned,
held or claimed, before this act, by the said society, and all
such property, rights, credits and demands, as, were it not
for his act. might hereafter be owned, held or claimed, by
the said society, shall and are hereby declared, as fuly and
effectually, to vest in the said body corporate, and its suc-
cessors, as they have, or could have vested in the said so-
ciety; and also that the said body corporate, and its succes-
sors, are hereby declared to be, as completely and effectu-
ally, liable and responsible for all debts, demands and
claims, due now or which would thereafter he due bv the
said society, f this act of incorporation had not been grant-
ed, as the saidsociety is now or would hereafter be so lia-
ble and responsible for.
Real proper-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That the said body corpo-
rate, and its successors, shall forever be incapable of hold-
ing in fee or less tstate, real property the United States,
the yearly value of which exceeds the sum of five thousand
Act may be
, Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this act, and the powers
and privileges granted thereby, may be at any time repeal-
ed, modified, amended orchanged, at the discretion of the
general assembly.