or owners thereof, in writing, first had and obtained; Pro-
vided also, that the owner or owners of any mill, factory,
or other possession, to which any lateral road shall be made
in virtue of this act, shall be entitled, at any time, to a
transfer of all the right of the said company in and to such
lateral road, and to the tolls accruing thereon, by paying
to the said company the actual costs of the construction
thereof, including the purchase of any right of way, such
cost to be ascertained by three persons not interested or re-
lated to any person interested in such road, mill, factory,
or other possession, one to be appointed by the said com-
pany, one by the owner or owners of such mill or factory,
and the third to be appointed by those two, the decision
of any two of whom shall be final as to the amount; and on
payment of such amount to the said companv, or to their
use, the rights to such lateral road, and to receive tolls
thereon, shall be vested in the owner or owners of the
mill, factory, or other possession, so paying the same, sub-
ject nevertheless to the condition of keeping such road in
CHAP. 180.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That as soon as the said com-
pany shall have perfected any lateral road, as authorised by
this act, and license shall have been granted to collect tolls
for the use of the same, which the governor of this state
is hereby authorised to grant after view and examination,
in the manner authorised and directed by the thirteenth
vsection of the act to which this is a supplement, it shall
and may be lawful for the said company to charge and col-
lect tolls for the use of any such lateral road, at the same
rates, in proportion to the length or extent of such lateral
road, or of the part of it used, as the said company are au-
thorised to collect and charge for the use of the turnpike
road to be constructed by them in virtue of the act to
which this is a supplement.
May collect
An Act for the. benefit of M. A. Ringgold, and Chil-
Passed Feb 23;
WHEREAS a tract of land, laid out for five hundred acres
more or less, part of Conococheague Manor, in Washington
county, was by deed bearing date the thirtieth day of
March, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-four,