CHAP. 179.
forthwith provide a school or schools for such pupils, and
in the event of the commissioners in any election district
failing to meet on that day, from sickness, or other una-
voidable cause, then the commissioners of such district
shall assemble at such place on the next Monday of said
month of August, to execute the duties herein before pro-
vided; and for every day so attending, as well as for the
day they shall meet the levy court, each and every com-
missioner shall be entitled to receive one dollar as full
compensation for his services, the same to be paid out of
the aforesaid dividends and funds.
Passed Feb 24
. A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to incorporate
the Franklin Turnpike Road Company, passed at
December session eighteen hundred and twenty-seven,
chapter one hundred and eighty-six.
Lateral roads
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Franklin Turnpike Road Company
incorporated by the act to which this is a supplement, shall
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to lay
out and construct, such and so many lateral roads in con-
nexion with the said turnpike road, on either side of it, to
any factory, mill or farm, not more than three miles dis-
tant from the said main turnpike road, as the said compa-
ny may deem advisable, and shall be required or assented
to by the owner of any such factory, mill or farm; and in
the location and construction of any such lateral road, the
said company may exercise all the rights and powers with
which they are invested, and shall be subject to the same
duties, restrictions and regulations, which are imposed on
and required of them by the act to which this is a supple-
ment; Provided always, that it shall not be necessary to
open any such lateral road more than thirty feet wide, nor
to cause more than twelve feet thereof in breadth to be
bedded with wood, stone, gravel, or any other hard sub-
stance, but in all other respects the said lateral roads shall
be made and finished in the manner required by the
twelfth section of the act to which this is a supplement;
Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be
construed to authorise the construction of any such lateral
road or over any land, without the con sent of the owner