CHAP. 168,
the alteration hereby provided for, will he for the benefit
and advantage of the minor owners of the said ground, and
to express their opinion of the same upon the record to be
kept of their proceedings; and if the said commissioners
shall be of opinion that the said alteration will not be for
such benefit and advantage, then all further proceedings
under this net shall cease.
Plot to be
made, &c.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers, if no application shall be made to Baltimore city court
as above provided, shall return a plat of the said square to
the register of the city of Baltimore, (designating thereon
the streets and alleys condemned as aforesaid by them, by
such names as they may deem proper,) and shall also make
out a fair report of their proceedings under this act, toge-
ther with a plat of the aforesaid square of ground, accord-
ing to its new location and division, and return the same
to the chancellor of Maryland, to be recorded among the
records of the chancery court, with the proceedings rela-
tive to the division of the estate of the late John Eager
Howard; and any one of tlic parties interested shall be at
liberty, within six months alter such return shall have been
filed, to enter an appeal to the court of chancery from the
judgment of the said commissioners, so far only as the va-
luation and apportionment, of the lots may be concerned, if
not before decided on by Baltimore city court, but not as
to the location of the lots, or condemnation of the streets;
and the chancellor shall, upon such application, have full
power, according to the usages of the said court, to enter-
tain, hear, try, and decide on the matters so authorised to
he brought belore him, and may, at the instance of any
person interested, direct an issue to Baltimore county court
to ascertain the value of the whole, or of any part of the said
property, or any other fact which he shall deem necessary;
and may also direct testimony to be taken, and decide ac-
cording to the equity and right of the matter; and such de-
cision shall be final and conclusive.
Act not to take
effect until as-
scnted to by
mayor, &c.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That this act shall not take
effect, unless the mayor and city council of Baltimore shall
within twelve months after the passage thereof, pass an or-
dinance assenting to the same, and undertaking also in the
said ordinance, to dig down and fill up Charles-street, or
Washington-place, between Centre and Madison streets,
and Monument-street between Cathedral and Saint-Paul's
streets, to their proper grade, within twelve months after
passing such ordinance, and also to guaranty the owners of
property thereon, against the expense of any extra paving
above what they would be liable for according to the pre-
sent width of the said streets.