the lots so improved to the present proprietors of the
same, at the same rate and valuation as it such improve-
ment had not been made thereon.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted. That the commissioners a-
foresaid shall severally take an oath, that they will truly
and impartially execute the provisions of this act; and they
shall each of them be entitled to receive for their services
the sum of two dollars for each day they may be employ-
ed; and they shall have power to appoint a clerk, and a
surveyor, and make them such allowance as they shall deem
reasonable, all which expenses shall be assessed by the com-
missioners upon the proprietors of the lots aforesaid, in
proportion to their respective shares in value; which as-
sessments the said proprietors, and the guardians of the
minors, are hereby directed and required to pay.
CHAP 168.
Oath to be
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That when the said commis-
sioners shall have laid out the streets, and laid off aad ap-
portioned the ground aforesaid, and caused proper plats
and descriptions thereof to he made, they shall cause two
weeks public notice thereof, and of the place where the
same may be seen and examined, to he given in at least two
of the public papers in the city of Baltimore, in which no-
tice it shall be stated, that any person, within thirty days
after the first publication of such notice, may apply to Bal-
timore city court, by petition filed with the clerk of said
court, to have any of the matters decided on by the said
commissioners, and also whether it will be for the benefit
and advantage of the minor owners of the aforesaid ground,
that the alteration and apportionment authorised by this
act should be made, submitted to the decision of a jury, un-
der the direction of the said court; and the said court, and
the judges thereof, shall have the same powers and autho-
rity in every respect in regard to any such application, and
the hearing, trial and decision thereof, as were vested in
the said court and judges in regard to the opening of Mo-
nument-street in the said city by the act of assembly, en-
titled, A supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the
opening of Monument-street in the city of Baltimore; and
if it shall be decided by the verdict of a jury in the said
court, that it will not be for the advantage of the minor
owners of the said .ground, that the alterations and ap-
pointment authorised by this act should be made, the said
court may thereon adjudge that no further proceedings
shall be had under this act, or the court, for such cause as
they shall deem just, may direct a new trial after any ver-
dict, before passing final judgment thereon.
When laid out
notice to be
given, &c.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers be and they are hereby required, to ascertain whether
Minor owners
of ground