CHAP. 16S.
streef, and that Monument-street shall be opened to the
width of two hundred feet from Cathedral to St. Paul's-
streets instead of the widths at which the said streets were
laid out by the commissioners acting under the authority
of an act passed at the December session in the year eigh-
teen hundred and seventeen, chapter one hundred and
forty-eight, entitled, An act relating to the city of Balti-
Ground to be
laid out into
building lots
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Joseph W. Patterson,
Solomon Etting, George Hoffman, James Mosher, and
Stewart Brown, be and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners to lav out the ground upon Monument-street
and Charles-street, or Washington-place, into building lots,
in such manner as the said commissioners shall deem cal-
culated to he most beneficial to the proprietors of the said
ground; and the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall have authority, and it shall be their duty, to condemn
so much of the said ground as shall he necessary to open
the said streets, to wit, Charles-street, or Washington-
place, and Monument street, to he of the width herein a-
bove expressed, and likewise to condemn as public alleys,
so much of the said ground as they shall deem necessary to
lav out as public alleys; and thereafter the said streets and
alleys shall be and remain as public highways forever; and
all such Janes or alleys as are or may now he laid out or
projected over the said square of ground lying between
Madison, Centre, Cathedral and Saint- Paul's-streets, other
than those which shall he condemned by the commission-
ers as aforesaid, shall be, and the same hereby are closed
and shut up forever, and the same shall belong absolutely
in fee simple to those persons to whom the commissioners
shall assign the same as hereinafter directed.
Ground not
condemned to
be laid out, &c
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That the said commission-
ers, or a majority of them, shall have power, and it shall
be their duty, to lay off the remainder of the ground situat-
ed in the square between Madison, Centre, Cathedral and
Saint-Paul's streets, which is not directed as aforesaid to be
condemned as streets or alleys, into building lots, and the
said lots to divide amongst the present proprietors of the
ground within the said square, according to their respec-
tive interests in the said ground, and assigning to each pro-
prietor, as nearly as the same can be effected, the same
ground now held by such proprietor, who shall thereafter
hold the lots so assignee! to him or her, in severally, in fee
simple; Provided always, that in all cases where improve-
ments have been made on any of the said lots, by the pre-
sent proprietors thereof, the commissioners shall have no
regard to the value of such improvements, but shall assign