CHAP. 160,
the case may be, before a justice of the peace, that they
will faithfully and diligently discharge their duties as trus-
tees for the district in which they shall have been appoint-
ed, and shall deliver a certificate of their qualification to
the said commissioners, who shall thereafter pay to the said
trustees, or to their order, in semi-annual payments, the
amount which they shall have assigned for the use of the
said district.
Free schools
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That whenever the resident
inhabitants in any of the districts aforesaid, shall raise, ei-
ther by a voluntary tax, contribution, or otherwise, a sum
of money which, added to the amount assigned and appro-
priated for the use of the said district by the commission-
ers aforesaid, as will establish a common free school there-
in, the trustees of the said district shall be, and they are
hereby empowered, to apply the same to that purpose,
otherwise they shall apply it to the education of the indi-
gent children in their district; and if there be no school
therein, they may have said children instructed at any
school which may be most convenient; Provided, the tui-
tion of the said children shall not exceed ten dollars each
per annum; and should there be any excess, after the tui-
tion of the said children shall have been paid fer, the trus-
tees aforesaid shall pay over the same to the commissioners
of the school fund, to be divided and distributed by them
according to the provisions of the first section of this act.
Import to be
made of appli-
cation of fund
Sec. 4. And be it enacted., That the trustees aforesaid
shall annually, in the month of November, report to the
commissioners of the school fund, the state and condition
of the schools in their respective school districts, and shall
particularly notice the application of the fund which shall
have been placed under their directions.
Statement to
be transmitted
to legislature
Sec. 5. And be it enacted. That the commissioners of
the school fund, shall in the month of January next, and
annually thereafter, transmit to the legislature a detailed
statement of their proceedings under this nel.
Centreville a
Sec. 6. And be it enacted., That from and after the first
day of January next, the Centreville Academy shall be,
and is hereby declared to be a free school, so long as it
shall be endowed by the state, and scholars from any part
of the said county shall be admitted therein free of any
charge whatever, except such as may be necessary for the
purchase of fuel, and keeping; the academy building in re-
pair; Provided, the said academy shall remain under the
direction and government of the present board of trustees
and their successors in office.