An Act for the revaluation of the Real and Personal
Properly in Saint Mary's County, and for other
CHAP. 22.
Passed Jan. 25
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the office of commissioners of the tax
for Saint-Mary's county, established in virtue of an act of
assembly pastel at November session eighteen hundred
and twelve, chapter one hundred and ninety-one, be and
the same is hereby abolished.
Office of com-
missioners a-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all the powers now by
law vested in the commissioners of the tax for Saint Ma-
ry's county, and the duties required to bo performed by
them, be and they are hereby vested in, and required to be
performed by the levy court of said county.
Powers vested
in levy court
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Saint-
Mary's county shall, on or before the second Monday of
March next, and annually thereafter, appoint a fit and pro-
per person as their clerk, whose duty it shall be to transact
all the business, and perform all the duties now performed
by the clerk of the levy court, and the clerk of the com-
missioners of the tax, subject to the same penalties for mis-
demeanor in office as are now imposed by law who shall,
before he enters upon the duties of the office, execute a
bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of one thou-
sand dollars, to be approved of by the levy court of said
county, conditioned for the true and faithful performance
of the duties thereof, and take the following oath, or affir-
mation, as the case may be, to wit: 1, A. 13. do solemnly
swear, or affirm, that I will execute honestly and faithfully,
to the best of my skill and judgment, the duties of clerk
of the levy court of Saint- Mary's county, without favour,
affection or prejudice, so help me God; which oath or af-
firmation any one of the said levy court may administer.
Clerk to be ap-
pointed— his
Sec. 4. And be it enacted. That the levy court of Saint
Mary's county shall cause their clerk to deliver to the col-
lector of the tax for said county annually, on or before the
first Monday of August, a duplicate of the alphabetical list1
of the owners or persons chargeable with the assessment
of property within said county, with the amount of each
person's assessed property, together with the rate of as-
sessment annexed to his or cr her name; and in case said
clerk shall refuse or neglect to comply therewith, he shall
forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars.
List of persons
chargeable to
be furnished