tution of the State, as to make the Governor ineligible to any
other office, either State or National, during the term for
which he was elected.
On motion by Mr. Steiner.
Leave was granted Messrs. Steiuer, Brattan and Mudd, to
introduce a bill entitled "Au Act to confirm and approve an
Act of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at Janu-
ary Session, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, Chapter 4,"
entitled, "An. Act authorizing the County Commissioners for
Frederick county to subscribe to the capital stock of the Liber-
ty and Frederick Turnpike Road Company of Frederick
Also, to the Committee on Finance, (hereafter to be ap-
pointed,) to introduce a bill entitled, "Au Act supplementary
to an Act passed at January Session, eighteen hundred and
sixty-seven, Chapter two hundred and forty-seven, entitled
an Act to establish and incorporate au Asylum for the Deaf
and Dumb of the State of Maryland," and also au Act passed
at January Session, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, Chap-
ter four hundred and nine, entitled "An Act to amend and
add additional sections to the Act of eighteen hundred and
sixty-seven, Chapter two hundred and forty-seven;" also, an
Act passed at January Session, eighteen hundred and seventy,
Chapter four hundred and twenty-two, entitled "An Act sup-
plementary to the Act passed at the January Session, eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, Chapter two hundred and forty-
seven, entitled 'An Act to establish an Asylum for the
Deaf and Dumb of the State of Maryland,' and its supple-
On motion, by Mr. Blake.
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proceed-
ings, (hereafter to be appointed,) to prepare and report a
bill, entitled "An Act to protect the lives and property of the
citizens of the State of Maryland, with reference to coal oil,"
On motion by Mr. Phelps,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Phelps, Claggett and Bil-
lingsley, to report a bill to incorporate a Bank in the town
of Cambridge, Dorchester county.
On motion by Mr. Billingsley,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Education, (here-
after to be appointed,) to introduce a bill to appropriate one
hundred thousand dollars for the use and benefit of the Col-
ored Schools of the State.