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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3780   View pdf image (33K)
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Industrial School for Boys, of the City of Baltimore,


incorporated under the general provisions of the


twenty-sixth article of the Code of Public General


Laws, and to re-enact the same with amendments, and


one additional section thereto to stand as section six..


No. 289. An act to incorporate the City Bank of Balti-




No. 290. An act to refund to Mary Cook, executrix of


George Cook, surviving partner of the late William


Cook and Sons ; for the benefit of Dr. Richard S.


Stewart, James Cheston, and others, moneys errone-


ously paid by them to Inspectors of Tobacco in Balti-


more city, for outage and storage...........................


No. 291. An act to authorize the Johns Hopkins Hospital,


a corporation incorporated by certificate duly record-


ed in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of


Baltimore city, to purchase and hold such tract or


tracts of land, in this State, as it may require for the


building of a house or houses for the reception and


care of convalescent patients from the said Hospital,


and to purchase and hold such tract or tracts of land,


as it may require for the building of a house or houses


for the reception, education, and care of orphan


colored children, and to erect all necessary buildings


for the said purposes, and to govern the said estab-




No. 292. An act to authorize the State Line and Juniata,


(now Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York Rail


Road Company,) to construct and operate their rail-
road within the limits of this State.........................


No. 293. An act to refund to Nathan O. Neighbors, late


Sheriff of Frederick county, the sum of forty-nine


dollars and fifty-nine cents, for money overpaid by


him into the Treasury..........................................


No. 294. An act to encourage, the destruction of Hawks


in Harfor'dand Worcester counties........................


No. 295. An act to provide for the appointment of coun-


sel to represent the State in the matter of the arbitra-


tion proposed to be had on the boundary line between


Maryland and Virginia, and to appropriate a sum of


money to pay the expenses of such arbitration...........


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3780   View pdf image (33K)
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