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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3779   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 278. An act to regulate fences on adjoining lands of


persons in Prince George's county.........................


No. 280. An act to amend section eighteen of an act passed


at the January session of the General Assembly in the


year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter one
hundred and ninety-five, entitled an act to incorporate


the Emmittsburg Rail Road Company .....................


No. 281. An act to authorize the County Commissioners


of Harford county, to endorse the bonds of a railroad


passing through or near the centre of said county,


from the Susquehanna River to the Gunpowder, to


the amount of two hundred thousand dollars; and to


endorse the bonds of a railroad running from a point


on the State line near Delta, to a point at or near Bel-


air, for fifty thousand dollars.................................


No. 282. An act for the relief of Washington College, and


to appropriate money for the same, and provide for


the education and board of one scholar from each


county of the Eastern Shore....................................


No. 284. An act to repeal sections one and two of article


one, of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled "Al-


legany County," sub-title "Alms-House," and -to re-


enact the same with amendments...........................


No. 285. An act to prohibit the Clerk of the Circuit Court


of Frederick county from issuing license to venders


of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors within three miles


of post-office at Hansonville, Frederick county.........


No. 286. An act authorizing and directing the State Li-


brarian to furnish to the Faculty of Law of the Uni-


versity of Maryland, certain law books from the State




No. 287. An act to authorize a reduction of the capital


stock of the New Central Coal Company..................


No. 238. An act to repeal sections one, three and five, of


chapter four hundred and two, of the acts of eighteen


hundred and sixty-seven, entitled an act to enlarge


and confirm the powers and authority of St. Mary's


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3779   View pdf image (33K)
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